B2B Appointment Setting Services

Our appointment setting service delivers face to face or remote meetings with qualified prospects, to help you grow your business consistently.

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We specialise in generating new leads by taking quality data lists, establishing new sales relationships and setting sales appointments.  In turn, this moves prospects through your sales funnel into face-to-face meetings, telephone calls, or video appointments via Zoom, Skype or Microsoft Teams.

The hardest part of any marketing and sales campaign is to take your prospect to the next level with a view to closing the deal. But sales is exactly that, a process and it all starts with cold-calling.

As a b2b appointment setting company, Toucan take full ownership of 33 lead and keep you fully up to date on cold, warm and hot sales leads.

Appointment setting supports you by:

1. Sourcing quality data
2. Qualifying leads
3. Booking sales appointments
4. Confirming the day before the appointment

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B2B sales appointments made for you

At Toucan, we believe in one man, one job!

We know your salespeople don’t like all the leg work of making their own appointments, and truth be told their time is much better spent in front of potential clients closing the sale.

Being a telesales setting team means we are committed to connecting your business with the most relevant leads, this is our speciality. We always get an agreement for a call back, and we pursue the lead until we get a meeting, or until we know there is no interest. We will never pester someone, we know it is in your best interests to create a positive relationship from the beginning.

Working in tandem like this with your team ultimately makes the acquisition of sales-leads far more streamlined, leaving your team to get on with doing what they do best. Closing sales.

Mastering Appointment Setting: Part 1

1. Introduction

Appointment setting is a crucial component of any successful business strategy. It involves scheduling meetings between potential clients and sales representatives, providing an opportunity to discuss products or services in detail. This article will explore the various aspects of appointment setting, offering strategies and tools to enhance your efforts.

2. What is Appointment Setting?

Appointment setting refers to the process of arranging meetings between a salesperson and potential clients. It plays a vital role in the sales funnel by:

  • Identifying prospects
  • Qualifying leads
  • Scheduling meetings for in-depth discussions​ (salesnash.com)​​ (FiveCRM)

Effective appointment setting helps streamline the sales process, leading to increased conversions and business growth.

3. Key Strategies for Effective Appointment Setting

Identifying Buyer Personas and Ideal Customer Profiles

Understanding your target audience is the first step in successful appointment setting. Create detailed buyer personas and define your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) by analysing:

  • Demographics
  • Job roles
  • Pain points
  • Buying behavior

This information helps tailor your outreach efforts to attract the right prospects​ (#1 Linkedin Automation Tool)​.

Running Cold Outreach Campaigns

Cold outreach is an essential technique for generating new leads. Utilise multiple channels to reach out to potential clients, including:

  • Cold emails
  • Cold calls
  • Social media messages

Ensure your messages are personalised and compelling to capture the interest of prospects​ (#1 Linkedin Automation Tool)​​ (SalesRoads)​.

Personalising Your Approach

Building rapport with prospects is crucial for setting successful appointments. Personalise your communication by:

  • Addressing prospects by name
  • Mentioning specific pain points
  • Offering tailored solutions

This personalised approach makes your outreach more relevant and engaging​ (Ippei Online)​​ (Hit Rate Solutions)​.

Multichannel Outreach

Using a multichannel approach increases your chances of reaching prospects effectively. Combine various methods such as:

  • Emails
  • Phone calls
  • Social media

This diversified strategy ensures you engage with prospects through their preferred communication channels, enhancing the likelihood of setting appointments​ (Hit Rate Solutions)​​ (Invensis)​.

4. Tools and Technology for Appointment Setting

CRM Systems

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are indispensable tools for managing appointment setting. They help:

  • Organise prospect information
  • Track communications
  • Monitor progress through the sales funnel

Popular CRM systems include HubSpot, Salesforce, and Zoho CRM, which offer features to streamline your appointment setting process​ (FiveCRM)​.

Appointment Scheduling Software

Scheduling tools simplify the process of booking and managing appointments. Benefits include:

  • Reducing errors and double bookings
  • Providing clients with convenient scheduling options

Tools like Calendly, Google Calendar, and Appointlet are popular choices that integrate seamlessly with your CRM and email systems​ (FiveCRM)​​ (SalesRoads)​.

Automated Follow-up Tools

Maintaining consistent communication with prospects is essential. Automated follow-up tools can help by:

  • Sending reminder emails
  • Scheduling follow-up calls
  • Providing updates on appointments

These tools ensure that prospects remain engaged and informed, increasing the chances of successful meetings​ (FiveCRM)​.

5. Overcoming Common Challenges in Appointment Setting

Dealing with Gatekeepers

Gatekeepers, such as receptionists or assistants, can be obstacles to reaching decision-makers. To effectively deal with them:

  • Be polite and professional
  • Build rapport with the gatekeeper
  • Try different communication channels if necessary

Persistence and respect can help you navigate these barriers successfully​ (FiveCRM)​.

Handling Objections

Prospects may raise objections during the appointment-setting process. To handle objections effectively:

  • Anticipate common objections
  • Prepare well-reasoned responses
  • Address concerns with empathy and understanding

This approach helps in building trust and overcoming potential roadblocks​ (Invensis)​.

Maintaining Motivation and Focus

Appointment setting can be a demanding task. Stay motivated by:

  • Setting daily, weekly, or monthly targets
  • Celebrating small successes
  • Staying positive and focused on your goals

A positive attitude and clear objectives can keep you motivated and productive​ (FiveCRM)​.

Building Long-term Relationships

Not all prospects will be ready to commit immediately. Nurture long-term relationships by:

  • Offering valuable content
  • Staying in touch regularly
  • Demonstrating genuine interest in their success

Building relationships over time can lead to future opportunities and appointments​ (FiveCRM)​​ (Invensis)​.

6. Outsourcing Appointment Setting

Benefits of Outsourcing

Outsourcing appointment setting can bring numerous advantages to your business:

  • Cost Efficiency: Reduces the need for in-house resources and training​ (Hit Rate Solutions)
  • Focus on Core Activities: Allows your team to concentrate on closing deals rather than setting appointments
  • Expertise: Access to experienced appointment setters who are skilled in outreach and lead qualification

By outsourcing, you can leverage specialised services to enhance your appointment-setting efforts and improve overall efficiency.

Choosing the Right Service

When selecting an appointment-setting service, consider the following factors:

  • Reputation: Look for services with positive reviews and testimonials
  • Experience: Ensure the service has experience in your industry
  • Customisation: The ability to tailor their approach to your specific needs
  • Technology: Use of advanced tools and CRM systems to streamline the process

Choosing the right partner can significantly impact the success of your appointment-setting strategy​ (Hit Rate Solutions)​.

7. Advanced Techniques for Appointment Setting

Utilising Social Proof

Social proof can be a powerful tool in an appointment setting. Leverage:

  • Testimonials: Positive feedback from satisfied clients
  • Case Studies: Detailed examples of success stories
  • Endorsements: Recommendations from industry leaders

These elements build credibility and trust, making prospects more likely to agree to a meeting​ (VanillaSoft)​​ (Ippei Online)​.

Influencer Marketing

Influencers can help amplify your appointment-setting efforts by:

  • Building Trust: Endorsements from trusted figures can sway potential clients
  • Expanding Reach: Accessing the influencer’s audience to find new leads
  • Enhancing Credibility: Associating your brand with reputable influencers

Utilise influencers to create a more compelling outreach strategy​ (Ippei Online)​.

Networking at Industry Events

Industry events are excellent opportunities for appointment setting. Maximise these events by:

  • Attending Conferences: Engage with potential clients in person
  • Participating in Panels: Showcase your expertise and attract interest
  • Hosting Booths: Provide detailed information about your services

Networking can generate high-quality leads and facilitate face-to-face appointment setting​ (Ippei Online)​.

8. Measuring and Analysing Appointment Setting Success

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) (125 words)

To evaluate the effectiveness of your appointment-setting efforts, track the following KPIs:

  • Number of Appointments Set: Total meetings scheduled within a given period
  • Conversion Rates: Percentage of appointments that lead to sales
  • Average Time to Secure an Appointment: Efficiency of the appointment-setting process

Monitoring these metrics helps identify strengths and areas for improvement​ (FiveCRM)​.

Analysing Results

Regular analysis of your appointment-setting data is crucial. Follow these steps:

  • Review KPIs: Consistently monitor key metrics
  • Identify Trends: Look for patterns in successful and unsuccessful outreach
  • Refine Strategies: Adjust your approach based on data insights

Continuous improvement based on thorough analysis ensures your appointment-setting efforts remain effective and yield better results over time​ (FiveCRM)​.

9. Conclusion

Appointment setting is a vital skill that can significantly impact your business’s success. By understanding the key strategies, leveraging advanced techniques, and utilising the right tools, you can optimise your appointment-setting process. Stay persistent, keep refining your approach, and use data-driven insights to master the art of appointment setting.

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and let’s talk about driving revenue with quality sales appointments.

Call our friendly team now on 01260 294444 or complete the online enquiry form.



What is B2B appointment setting?

The process involves placing calls to prospects from your marketing list, whether that is an existing database or a list newly generated as part of the campaign.

Prospects are nurtured until they become qualified leads, at which point an appointment is set for a convenient time, and the lead is handed to your sales team to complete the contract negotiations.

How can appointment setting help your business avoid time wasting?

You offload the time-intensive process of placing calls, especially to a long list of prospects who have not yet been qualified.

In return, you get back a stream of qualified leads who are ready to convert to become paying customers, so your in-house account managers and sales teams can maximise their productivity and raise more revenues.

How much does outsourced appointment setting cost?

Every campaign is bespoke, for example a telesales campaign might be based on the number of calls placed and the number of appointments targeted.

The important thing to remember is that in general, an outsourced appointment setter will generate new business leads to more than cover its own costs.

What is appointment setting in sales?

The process by which a marketing prospect is scheduled for a sales call or face-to-face meeting.

It’s a critical moment in B2B telesales campaigns, as it marks the pivot point at which a loosely qualified prospect becomes regarded as a likely paying customer in the near future.

Why is appointment setting important?

Setting an appointment with a B2B telesales prospect is a clear statement of interest, and often a statement of intent to place an order.

More than that, it is essential to maintain a steady stream of incoming appointments, so that you do not risk wasting time or losing productivity by having sales reps and account managers sitting idle.

What is said when making an appointment?

The process can sound like a normal conversation, but is designed to steer the prospect towards becoming engaged and giving you their time.

A typical call might start with a brief summary of the product or service on offer, followed by open questions to engage the prospect in conversation and help them to recognise the benefits of the product or service for them.

Once they are engaged, it’s a case of setting a date and time for an appointment, so a sales representative can attend and finalise any contract arrangements.

What are the most effective strategies for securing an appointment?

It’s not always easy, but there are strategies that can help to increase the overall success rate:

  • Placing follow-up calls especially if the prospect asked you to call later
  • Maintaining ongoing communication and positive relationships with prospects
  • Ensuring appointments can be set at a time and date convenient for the prospect

We have years of experience using these and advanced strategies as part of our B2B telesales service, with repeated huge success.